NATIVZ | The Army of Nerds

Data Analytics

Insightful. Informative. Predictive. Actionable

Powerful data analytics are the unsung heroes of any successful plan for online growth. The Nativz data analytics team is an essential conduit between the web team and the marketing team, ensuring that all three departments are making strategic decisions on behalf of our clients that will maximize their overall return on investment.
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Services: Data analytics

Data-Driven decisions
from start to finish

Using the data gathered in our advertising campaigns, we carefully examine which strategies resonate most with target audiences and engineer future efforts around the most successful content and configurations. Using the information we gather about our web experiences, we constantly seek new ways to improve user flow, media, and call-to-action experiences, allowing us to incrementally improve the performance and conversion rates on our traffic hubs. This data-driven approach informs all three prongs of our digital marketing triad and guarantees a cohesive, dominant online presence that is sure to drive conversions and maximize returns on ad spend.
Nativz data analytics


The Nativz data team carefully tracks all aspects of a user's interaction with our websites and applications, using the data to understand exactly how it affects our partners' bottom line.
Nativz heatmaps


We analyze how and where users interact with our websites by leveraging advanced heatmap technology to see which buttons are clicked most, how far users scroll, and more.


We offer live user recording capabilities on out systems, which allows our development and marketing teams to identify weak points and optimize overall user experience.


We use enterprise-grade call reporting solutions, allowing clients to see the sources of calls, hear recordings, and improve sales techniques, all from a single custom dashboard.


Our data team offers complete CRM management and setup, information collection, website integration, and more to help our partners manage and improve customer relationships.


Our team develops custom dashboards which allow our clients to quickly pull data at any level, from highly generalized insights to extremely granular data segments.
Transparency in data analytics involves providing detailed information about the data sources, such as how the data was collected, how it was cleaned and preprocessed, and any biases or limitations associated with the data. This information helps stakeholders to understand the context and reliability of the data and enables them to make more informed decisions.
Integrated tracking allows data analysts to track user behavior across multiple devices, platforms, and touchpoints. This includes understanding how users interact with websites, mobile apps, social media, and email marketing campaigns. By tracking user behavior across these various channels, analysts can gain insights into user engagement, conversion rates, and overall customer behavior.
Machine learning algorithms use statistical techniques to identify patterns and relationships in data, which can be used to make predictions or recommendations. For example, a machine learning algorithm might analyze customer data to identify patterns in purchase behavior, which can be used to make personalized product recommendations or targeted marketing campaigns.
A bespoke client dashboard is a customized web-based interface that provides clients with real-time access to important data, analytics, and insights related to their business or project. This dashboard is tailored to the specific needs of each client and provides a user-friendly way to monitor and track key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics.
One of the key benefits of conversion-focused data analytics is that it allows organizations to make data-driven decisions about website and product design. By analyzing user behavior and testing different variations, organizations can identify which elements of their website or product are most effective at driving conversions and optimize accordingly.
To effectively use insight-rich data for data analytics, organizations must have the right tools and skills in place. This includes having access to data scientists and analysts who can interpret and analyze the data, as well as having the necessary technology infrastructure to store, process, and analyze large volumes of data.
End-to-end reporting typically involves a range of tools and technologies, such as data visualization software, data warehousing platforms, and reporting and analytics tools. These tools allow organizations to collect, store, process, and analyze data at every stage of the data pipeline, and generate reports and insights that are relevant and valuable to stakeholders.

Our Tactics

Comprehensive Analysis
At Nativz, we like to say that content is king, but data analytics is the queen. We recognize that the content and media we produce for our web platforms, advertising campaigns, and other marketing outlets is only as strong as consumers deem it to be. That is why we always prioritize empirical data when making decisions that concern campaign strategy, and we constantly search for ways to improve and optimize published content for maximum overall efficacy. We employ extensive A/B testing on our ad content, website copy, and visual media and we use powerful analytics tools to develop and maintain a highly dynamic portfolio of campaigns that promise to achieve our clients goals.
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Case Study

Some of our work
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Web Development


Our approach prioritizes speed, efficiency, and careful optimization across all parts of a website with the goal of helping users find what they need as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

Web Development


Our approach prioritizes speed, efficiency, and careful optimization across all parts of a website with the goal of helping users find what they need as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

Web Development


Our approach prioritizes speed, efficiency, and careful optimization across all parts of a website with the goal of helping users find what they need as quickly and seamlessly as possible.
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3322 Shorecrest Dr #225, Dallas, TX 75235, United States

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